With only days to go until the start of National Pet Month – April 7 to May 7, 2012 – teachers have the chance to win £200 worth of books and impress their peers with their lesson plan prowess.
Each year during National Pet Month schools up and down the UK enter our competitions, promoting our top 10 tips for responsible pet ownership and run some amazing pet events to raise money for animal charities.
So, this year we want to encourage even more educators to get involved and incorporate pet welfare into lessons and other school activities to spread the responsible pet ownership message far and wide.
That’s why we’ve launched The Best Pet Welfare Lesson Plan Competition. All you have to do is focus on an area of responsible pet ownership and turn your creative, innovative and fun ideas into an inspiring lesson plan.
The winner scoops £200 to spend on books for them and their class and will see their lesson plan published on the new website www.peteducationresources.co.uk to be shared with fellow teachers and educators.
There are also some fabulous runners-up prizes of pet encyclopaedias courtesy of Royal Canin – great resources for the classroom.
“Pets make children’s lives happier and healthier and play an important role in their development as they grow up. It’s really important that children learn how to look after their pets so that they appreciate the role animals play in their lives and become responsible pet owners into adulthood,” says Phil Sketchley, National Pet Month Chairman.
He adds: “It’s currently estimated by PDSA that 10 million out of 22 million pets in the UK are not having their needs met. Educators have a vital role to play in helping children to learn how to take care of their pets responsibly, so what better way than by creating a lesson they will love.”
The theme for National Pet Month 2012 is Your pets and you: a winning team so we would love to see teachers coming up with lesson plans that reflect this and help spread the good care message to young pet lovers.
Simply set aside time for a lesson on pets during National Pet Month April 7 to May 7 2012 and then get creative. Plan your lesson and submit it to info@nationalpetmonth.org.uk with any supporting material such as photographs, videos of the lesson or student feedback.
Prizes will be awarded based on the lesson’s creativity and engagement and that carry a strong message of responsible pet ownership.
National Pet Month Trustees will decide the winners. Their decision is final.
Closing date for entries is Thursday, June 7, 2012.
National Pet Month, now in its 23rd year and a registered charity, is also keen to hear from schools interested in staging all kinds of pet themed events which could be used to raise money for a favourite animal charity.
The charity is urging teachers to get behind the initiative and register any events on the National Pet Month website – www.nationalpetmonth.org.uk - where they will be displayed on the interactive map. The site is packed full of useful information and will be regularly updated throughout the campaign.
All schools taking part will receive a free event pack containing everything you need to put on a successful event.
Earlier this month National Pet Month exhibited at the Education Show in Birmingham for the first time where it promoted the Best Pet Lesson Plan Competition and met with teachers.
“We were delighted with the enthusiasm and positive feedback at the Education Show,” says Mr Sketchley. “We look forward to seeing some inspirational ideas.”
To keep in touch with National Pet Month become a supporter at www.nationalpetmonth.org.uk, join us on Facebook www.facebook.com/NationalPetMonth and follow us on Twitter @NatPetMonthUK