Time to bust some more myths about #NationalPetMonth. In the second of three blogs we explain our role as a big pet friendly umbrella charity and your vital role as a supporter, plus make a request over the use of the NPM and PCA logos.
Myth No 2: National Pet Month doesn’t need me as a supporter and anyway, it will cost me money and time I don’t have
We DO need you and no it won’t. The reason we ask you to register as a supporter is simple. The more UK pet fans we have registered with us, the more we can spread the word about the cause closest to our hearts – responsible pet ownership.
We are an educational charity and an umbrella charity. We spend a lot of our time working with other UK pet charities to ensure the responsible pet ownership message spreads far and wide. Although a charity in our own right, one of the main focuses of our campaign each year is not to raise money for us but to help OTHER UK pet charities fundraise for their incredible work.
Just think of us as a pet friendly umbrella under which fellow pet workers can gather alongside the UK’s amazing pet owners. When you become a National Pet Month supporter one of the many great benefits is that you can use our reach to help your favourite UK pet charity. A winning combination!
It's always lovely if you want to donate to our charity, but that's not the key aim with registration. When you sign up you join our database, allowing us, with your permission, to share with you all kinds of information about our work, the work of our trustees and other important announcements about pet welfare and you can, of course, unsubscribe at any time.
Registering with us also gives you access to our tool kit with loads of lovely pet themed extras, such as advice on how to put on a great fundraiser for a favourite pet charity or encourage your local school to take the good pet care message into the classroom.
So, please sign up now https://www.nationalpetmonth.org.uk/_members/
Myth No 3: The NPM logo can be used by everyone
In today’s online world, it can be used very easily. But we’d rather you ask us first. And here’s why. We love our name being spread far and wide, we really do, and we’re incredibly grateful to all the individuals and organisations sharing our updates. But we’re also a charity that needs financial support, just like all the other incredible charities out there. So, when we see businesses using our logo to spread their marketing messages, without our permission, it makes us rather sad.
Think of it like this. Would you be happy if your organisation’s logo was placed on a tweet, a Facebook post, a company’s marketing message, to promote their products and services without any prior knowledge or acknowledgement?
So, please spare us a thought before you press that tweet/post button and ask first.
Even better, think about how you could be part of our success story when it comes to the welfare of our pets. Just imagine how much more we could do to spread the responsible pet care message if all those businesses using our logo committed to becoming a sponsor or supporter. Check out our new #PetCareAware family and please join us. https://www.nationalpetmonth.org.uk/pet-care-aware/
Still need more clarification on this important issue? Then check out our terms and conditions regarding use of NPM and PCA branding, including logos.
Thanks for reading and we look forward to busting some more NPM myths soon!