Basildon Council’s animal control team was officially awarded with ‘Best Event’ this week, after being chosen from more than 1,800 National Pet Month events across the country.
The event, which was held in Northlands Park in April, attracted more than 250 visitors and was praised by the National Pet Month charity for the success of the event. The event was also praised for its impressive list of attendees which included Cats Protection, Pets at Home, Maggie’s Pet Rescue and many other partners offering their services and support.
The event attracted hundreds of pet lovers and included a fun dog show with categories including the dog with the ‘waggiest’ tail. It also included a range of other activities including a children’s entertainer, prizes and giveaways, pet care advice from professionals and local animal charities. Dog owners were also able to get their pooch microchipped for a small donation.
The animal control team were awarded with a certificate and award by National Pet Month Chairman, Phillip Sketchley who visited the team at the Basildon Centre this week.
Mr Sketchley said: “This event was a fantastic example of how local authorities can work to support responsible pet ownership in their community – one of the main aims of the National Pet month charity. Basildon’s Dog Day Out, through excellent organisation and publicity, managed to engage with the pet-owning public and help animal charities too.
“We hope it will act as inspiration for others to get involved next year – and hope very much to work with Basildon Council in National Pet Month 2012.”Councillor Richard Moore, Basildon Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “This is an excellent achievement for Basildon Council’s animal control team and I am delighted this event has been recognised for its contribution in responsible pet ownership.
“I hope all those people who attended the event found it worthwhile and enjoyable and I would like to thank the animal control team for their efforts in organising such a well attended event.”
PHOTO (left to right): Cheryl Saunders (volunteer coordinator of dog show at event), Rob Baker (Basildon Council), Vic Hobbs (Basildon Council), Connor Horsewill (Woodlands School), Sarah Moran (Basildon Council), Philip Sketchley (National Pet Month Chairman) and Maggie Clowes (Maggie’s Pet Rescue).
Notes to Editors: National Pet Month is a registered charity, unique in bringing together animal welfare charities, professional bodies, pet businesses, schools, youth groups and pet lovers, with the common goal of improving the welfare of pets. The trustees are National Office of Animal Health (NOAH), Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association (PFMA) and Pet Care Trust (PCT).
National Pet Month 2012 will take place from 7 April – 7 May.